SGA Action Planning
All IUCN SSC Specialist Groups develop conservation strategies for particular species or groups of species. These Action Plans assess the current situation of species throughout their habitats, and – most importantly – lay out the steps needed for their protection. One of the strengths of such Action Plans is that they combine overviews of the species with clear delineations of conservation priorities.
Great Ape Regional Action Plans
Action Plans covering one or more taxa of great apes.
​Eastern Chimpanzee: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan 2010–2020
Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Nigeria-Cameroon Chimpanzee
Bonobo Conservation Strategy 2012–2022
Grauer’s Gorillas and Chimpanzees in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Revised Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Cross River Gorilla 2014–2019
Regional action plan for the conservation of western chimpanzees 2020–2030
National Ape Action Plans & PHVAS
Country specific great ape action plans.
Tanzania Chimpanzee Conservation Action Plan 2018-2023
Gombe-Mahale Ecosystem Conservation Action Planning, v 2.0
Tanzania Chimpanzee Conservation Action Planning Workshop Report
Orangutan Indonesia Conservation Strategies and Action Plan
Orangutan - Population and Habitat Viability Assessment - Final Report
Older Action Plans
Action plans that are now out of date but still useful for historical purposes.
Additional Documents & Webpages
SGA Great Apes Action Plan Review Report FINAL Jan 2022 - A review of the effectiveness of great ape conservation planning processes and action plans
West African Chimpanzees - Action plan was assessed in 2008. Report by Rebecca Kormos
http://www.ellioti.org/conservation-action-plan.html - Action plan was assessed in 2008 to the Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee action plan.
http://www.ellioti.org/p.t.ellioti-by-the-numbers.html - Additional information related to the Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee action plan with population size estimates.
http://www.primate-sg.org/bonobo/ - Additional information related to the bonobo conservation strategy.
http://www.primate-sg.org/wea - Additional information on great ape conservation in Western Equatorial Africa.