An information service for great ape conservation and research.
The IUCN A.P.E.S (Ape, Populations, Environments, and Surveys) database is a unique repository that stores all survey data on ape populations. Its goal is to support great ape monitoring, research, and decision-making by compiling a wide range of information on the distribution and dynamics of great apes over time. The database has also begun to compile data on small apes and other primates.
The A.P.E.S Database is an initiative of the Section on Great Apes (SGA) of the IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group. It is supported by numerous funding organizations, non-governmental and governmental organizations, and research institutions.
Central to the mission of the A.P.E.S. database are the following objectives:
Identification, compilation, and archival preservation of all existing data on ape population surveys.
Dissemination of this data to the ape conservation and research community.
Provide regular reports on the status and trends concerning ape populations, habitats, and the threats they encounter.
The A.P.E.S Database stores a wealth of information detailing the distribution, abundance, and demographics of ape populations across their habitats. This offers a comprehensive understanding of population trends and challenges. By analyzing habitat information and conservation evidence, the database plays a central role in storing, analyzing, and disseminating critical data. It enables conservationists to make informed decisions, prioritize efforts, and monitor the effectiveness of interventions, ultimately contributing to the survival of critically endangered species. It empowers researchers, conservationists, and policymakers with centralized data for making informed decisions regarding conservation priorities, strategies, and resource allocation. Moreover, the database actively encourages data sharing and collaboration, fostering a global community dedicated to ape conservation.
The A.P.E.S. Database also serves as a knowledge hub by disseminating information to the public. It raises awareness about conservation challenges and inspires collective action for the preservation of great apes.
The success of the A.P.E.S. database depends on the participation and support of the ape conservation and research community. Researchers, conservation practitioners, and NGOs are invited to contribute their data to this community initiative and to visit the A.P.E.S. website to ensure that their own survey data are listed in the repository.
Archived information in the database include field survey data (raw datasets including ape nest count data, nest decay data, behavioral data, presence/absence data, and camera trap data), various geospatial layers produced using data deposited in the A.P.E.S. database or spatial layers produced as secondary products from the raw data archived in the database, great ape literature digital library, taxa range maps, taxa abundance tables, etc.
On the right side of this page, visitors can navigate through the A.P.E.S. database and find information on data access and release policy, the process to request data from the database and contribute data to the database, and access the current report on the content of the A.P.E.S. repository.
For further information and general inquiries, please contact: apes@iucnapesportal.org

Database report
A large network of ape conservationists, donors, scientists and experts in this field have helped collecting and compiling the information you find on this platform. The following numbers give you a brief overview of this effort. A more detailed summary report on the information available through A.P.E.S. you find here. It is updated four times per year. The current numbers are from 2024 March 24.
171 different data providers and 129 participating organizations
time period covered 1989 - 2023
13 ape taxa
482 sites in 26 countries
801 surveys with a total transect length of 6,445,413 km
1,713,157 records
Total number of ape signs: 428,058
425 other species observed with more than 300,000 records
Number of created spatial layers: 14
With A.P.E.S. data published scientific articles: 21
A.P.E.S. wiki includes 285 sites with detailed information

Spatial layers
Welcome to the spatial data section of the A.P.E.S. database.
Here, you can explore several spatial layers created by multiple users using raw survey data stored in our database. These datasets provide valuable insights into great ape research, including ape range, density distribution, abundance, population genetics, behavioral traits, threats, habitat connectivity, and surveys.
Please contact the data manager for access to specific spatial layers of interest (apes@iucnapesportal.org).
Below you will find a map for a spatial overview (the map is currently being expanded). All existing layers are listed in the table below. The complete table including all metadata can be downloaded here.
# | Title | Year | Range | Species | Theme |
1 | African apes abundance polygon layers | 2020 | All ape range countries | All ape species | Abundance |
2 | Suitable Environmental Conditions for African great apes | 2012 | All African great ape range countries | Pan troglodytes verus
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
Pan troglodytes troglodytes
Gorilla gorilla beringei
Gorilla gorilla diehli
Pan paniscus
Pan troglodytes ellioti | Distribution (probability layer) |
3 | Liberia chimpanzee density | 2014 | Liberia | Pan troglodytes verus | Density distribution |
4 | Liberia biodiversity priority areas | 2015 | Liberia | Pan troglodytes verus | Other |
5 | Great ape species range layers | 2008 | All African great ape range countries | All great ape species | Range |
6 | Updated great ape species range layers | 2016 | All African great ape range countries | All great ape species | Range |
7 | African great ape abundance | 2021 | All African great ape range countries except for Central African Republic; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Liberia; and South Sudan | African great apes excluding bonobos and Grauer's gorillas | Abundance |
8 | Density distribution of western chimpanzees. | 2019 | Senegal
Republic of Guinea
Sierra Leone
Ivory Coast
Ghana | Pan troglodytes verus | Density distribution |
9 | Occupancy probability of Grauer's gorillas and eastern chimpanzees in DRC. | 2016 | Democratic Republic of Congo | Gorilla beingei graueri | Distribution (probability layer) |
10 | Density distribution of western gorillas and central chimpanzees in western equatorial Africa | 2018 | Cameroon
Central African Republic
Equatorial Guinea
Republic of Congo
Cabinda (Angola) | Pan troglodytes troglodytes
Gorilla gorilla gorilla | Density distribution |
11 | Quantitative estimates of glacial refugia for chimpanzees since the Last Interglacial (120;000 BP) | 2021 | All chimpanzee range countries | Pan troglodytes verus
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
Pan troglodytes troglodytes | Distribution (probability layer) |
12 | Range shifts of African apes under global change scenarios | 2021 | All African great ape range countries | All African great ape species | Range |
13 | Threat of mining to African great apes | 2023 | All African great ape range countries except for Central African Republic; Democratic Republic of the Congo; and South Sudan | All African great ape species | Threats |
14 | Ape survey data from mining projects | 2023 | All African great ape range countries except for Central African Republic; Democratic Republic of the Congo; and South Sudan | All African great ape species | Threats |
15 | Density distribution of Bornean
orangutans | 2018 | Borneo | Pongo pygmaeus | Density distribution |
16 | Updated density distribution of Bornean orangutans | 2021 | Borneo | Pongo pygmaeus | Density distribution |
17 | Density distribution of Sumatran
orangutans | 2016 | Sumatra | Pongo abelii | Density distribution |
18 | Density distribution of Sumatran
orangutans | 2020 | Sumatra | Pongo tapanuliensis
Pongo abelii | Density distribution |
19 | Survey coverage | 2024 | All ape range countries | All ape species | Survey grid |
20 | Sampling locations | 2024 | All ape range countries | All ape species | Survey grid |
21 | Ape presences | 2024 | All ape range countries | All ape species | Range |
22 | Ape observation density | 2024 | All ape range countries | All ape species | Abundance |
23 | Survey effort | 2024 | All ape range countries | All ape species | Survey grid |
24 | Population trends | 2024 | All ape range countries | All ape species | Abundance |
25 | Chimpanzee genetic diversity (msat markers) | 2021 | All chimpanzee range countries | Pan troglodytes verus
Pan troglodytes ellioti
Pan troglodytes troglodytes
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii | Genetics |
26 | Recent connectivity between chimpanzee populations (based on genetic markers from chromosome 21) | 2022 | All chimpanzee range countries | Pan troglodytes verus
Pan troglodytes ellioti
Pan troglodytes troglodytes
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii | Genetics |
27 | Actual chimpanzee behavioural diversity | 2020 | All chimpanzee range countries | Pan troglodytes verus
Pan troglodytes ellioti
Pan troglodytes troglodytes
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii | Behavior |
28 | Predicted chimpanzee behavioural diversity | 2023 | All chimpanzee range countries | Pan troglodytes verus
Pan troglodytes ellioti
Pan troglodytes troglodytes
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii | Behavior |
29 | Ape density distribuion across Equatorial Guinea | 2013 | Equatorial Guinea | Pan troglodytes troglodytes
Apes (Pan troglodytes troglodytes & Gorilla gorilla gorilla) | Density distribution |
30 | Distribution of suitable habitat for western chimpanzees in Guinea-Bissau | 2010 | Guinea-Bissau | Pan troglodytes verus | Distribution (probability layer) |
31 | Occupancy probability of bonobos across their range | 2013 | Democratic Republic of Congo | Pan paniscus | Distribution (probability layer) |
32 | Distribution of suitable habitat for chimpanzees across Liberia | 2021 | Liberia | Pan troglodytes verus | Distribution (probability layer) |
33 | Connectivity of suitable habitat for chimpanzees across Liberia | 2021 | Liberia | Pan troglodytes verus | Ape habitat connectivity |
34 | Habitat suitability for western chimpanzees across the Upper Guinea lowland rainforest in West Africa | 2018 | Upper Guinean Rainforest in West Africa | Pan troglodytes verus | Distribution (probability layer) |
35 | Suitable corridors for connectivity of proposed and protected areas predicted within the Sapo-Tai and
Gola-Ziama forest complexes in West Africa based on least cost path. | 2018 | Rainforest patches in:
Ivory Coast
Republic of Guinea
Sierra Leone | Pan troglodytes verus | Ape habitat connectivity |
36 | Suitable great ape habitat in and around the Lob�k� National Park; South-East Cameroon | 2020 | Lob�k� National Park and its surrounding forest management units (FMUs) in South-East Cameroon | Pan troglodytes troglodytes
Gorilla gorilla gorilla | Distribution (probability layer) |
37 | Exposure of African ape sites to climate change impacts | 2024 | All African great ape range countries | All African great ape species | Threats |

A.P.E.S. articles
Publications with data from or related to the IUCN SSC A.P.E.S. Database
Arcus Foundation (Ed.). (2018). Infrastructure Development and Ape Conservation (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108436427
Arcus Foundation (Ed.). (2021a). Killing, Capture, Trade and Ape Conservation (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108768351
Arcus Foundation (Ed.). (2021b). The Status of Apes: A Foundation for Systematic, Evidence-based Conservation. In Killing, Capture, Trade and Ape Conservation (1st ed., pp. 198–229). Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108768351.009
Barratt, C. D., Lester, J. D., Gratton, P., Onstein, R. E., Kalan, A. K., McCarthy, M. S., … Kühl, H. (2021). Quantitative estimates of glacial refugia for chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ) since the Last Interglacial (120,000 BP). American Journal of Primatology, 83(10), e23320. doi: 10.1002/ajp.23320
Carvalho, J. S., Graham, B., Bocksberger, G., Maisels, F., Williamson, E. A., Wich, S., … Kühl, H. S. (2021). Predicting range shifts of African apes under global change scenarios. Diversity and Distributions, 27(9), 1663–1679. doi: 10.1111/ddi.13358
Frazier, A. E., Honzák, M., Hudson, C., Perlin, R., Tohtsonie, A., Gaddis, K. D., … Trgovac, A. B. (2021). Connectivity and conservation of Western Chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes verus ) habitat in Liberia. Diversity and Distributions, 27(7), 1235–1250. doi: 10.1111/ddi.13270
Freeman, B., Roehrdanz, P. R., & Peterson, A. T. (2019). Modeling endangered mammal species distributions and forest connectivity across the humid Upper Guinea lowland rainforest of West Africa. Biodiversity and Conservation, 28(3), 671–685. doi: 10.1007/s10531-018-01684-6
Ginath Yuh, Y., N’Goran, P. K., Dongmo, Z. N., Tracz, W., Tangwa, E., Agunbiade, M., … Fotang, C. (2020). Mapping suitable great ape habitat in and around the Lobéké National Park, South‐East Cameroon. Ecology and Evolution, 10(24), 14282–14299. doi: 10.1002/ece3.7027
GRASP & IUCN. (2018). GRASP and IUCN report to the CITES Standing Committee on the status of great apes. United Nations Environment Programme Great Apes Survival Partnership, Nairobi, and International Union for Conservation of Nature, Gland. (J. Refisch, S. Wich, & L. Williamson, Eds.). doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24454.22085/1
Heinicke, S., Mundry, R., Boesch, C., Amarasekaran, B., Barrie, A., Brncic, T., … Kühl, H. S. (2019). Advancing conservation planning for western chimpanzees using IUCN SSC A.P.E.S.—The case of a taxon-specific database. Environmental Research Letters, 14(6), 064001. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab1379
Heinicke, S., Ordaz‐Németh, I., Junker, J., Bachmann, M. E., Marrocoli, S., Wessling, E. G., … Kühl, H. S. (2021). Open‐access platform to synthesize knowledge of ape conservation across sites. American Journal of Primatology, 83(1), e23213. doi: 10.1002/ajp.23213
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group. (2020). Regional action plan for the conservation of western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) 2020–2030. IUCN. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2020.SSC-RAP.2.en
Kühl, H. S., Sop, T., Williamson, E. A., Mundry, R., Brugière, D., Campbell, G., … Boesch, C. (2017). The Critically Endangered western chimpanzee declines by 80%. American Journal of Primatology, 79(9), e22681. doi: 10.1002/ajp.22681
Ordaz‐Németh, I., Sop, T., Amarasekaran, B., Bachmann, M., Boesch, C., Brncic, T., … Kühl, H. S. (2021). Range‐wide indicators of African great ape density distribution. American Journal of Primatology, 83(12), e23338. doi: 10.1002/ajp.23338
Plumptre, A. J., Nixon, S., Kujirakwinja, D. K., Vieilledent, G., Critchlow, R., Williamson, E. A., … Hall, J. S. (2016). Catastrophic Decline of World’s Largest Primate: 80% Loss of Grauer’s Gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri) Population Justifies Critically Endangered Status. PLOS ONE, 11(10), e0162697. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0162697
Sivaraman, M. R. (2019). State of the Apes: Infrastructure development and Ape conservation. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 76(6), 1050–1054. doi: 10.1080/00207233.2019.1612144
Sop, T., Boesch, C., & Kühl, H. (2019). Western chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus). In C. Schwitzer, R. Mittermeier, A. Rylands, F. Chiozza, L. Williamson, D. Byler, … G. McCabe (Eds.), Primates in Peril: The world’s most endangered primates 2018-2020 (pp. 46–49). Retrieved from https://www.globalwildlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Primates-in-Peril-2018-2020.pdf
Strindberg, S., Maisels, F., Williamson, E. A., Blake, S., Stokes, E. J., Aba’a, R., … Wilkie, D. S. (2018). Guns, germs, and trees determine density and distribution of gorillas and chimpanzees in Western Equatorial Africa. Science Advances, 4(4), eaar2964. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aar2964
Tweh, C. G., Lormie, M. M., Kouakou, C. Y., Hillers, A., Kühl, H. S., & Junker, J. (2015). Conservation status of chimpanzees Pan troglodytes verus and other large mammals in Liberia: A nationwide survey. Oryx, 49(4), 710–718. doi: 10.1017/S0030605313001191
Voigt, M., Wich, S. A., Ancrenaz, M., Meijaard, E., Abram, N., Banes, G. L., … Kühl, H. S. (2018). Global Demand for Natural Resources Eliminated More Than 100,000 Bornean Orangutans. Current Biology, 28(5), 761-769.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.01.053
Wich, S. A., Singleton, I., Nowak, M. G., Utami Atmoko, S. S., Nisam, G., Arif, S. Mhd., … Kühl, H. S. (2016). Land-cover changes predict steep declines for the Sumatran orangutan ( Pongo abelii ). Science Advances, 2(3), e1500789. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1500789
Yuh, Y. G., Dongmo, Z. N., N’Goran, P. K., Ekodeck, H., Mengamenya, A., Kuehl, H., … Elvis, T. (2019). Effects of Land cover change on Great Apes distribution at the Lobéké National Park and its surrounding Forest Management Units, South-East Cameroon. A 13 year time series analysis. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1445. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-36225-2

Abundance tables
Welcome to the A.P.E.S. database section dedicated to abundance estimates of great apes and gibbons! Here, you will find a compilation of abundance estimates gathered from both published and unpublished literature, providing insights into the populations of these primates across various sites. These estimates are categorized into abundance classes, such as 100-300 or 300-500 individuals, giving you an idea of the population size of great apes and gibbons in different locations.
The term 'site' refers to a diverse range of areas, including protected and unprotected regions, logging or mining concessions, or any specific location where a survey has been conducted to assess ape populations. Please follow this link to explore the population estimates of 33 taxa of great and small apes at various sites within their habitats.

Literature data
Welcome to our comprehensive literature database on great apes!
Here, you will find a wealth of information on chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans, including scientific articles published in various journals. Additionally, our database houses numerous reports from field surveys of ape populations, providing valuable insight into their abundance, behaviors, and the threats they face in their habitats.
Please use the drop-down menus below to search for a particular report or publication. You can search by selecting from Country, Site, Taxon, Year, and keywords in the title.
It is important to note that some of the survey reports listed in the literature database are unpublished and not readily accessible to the public. If you are interested in obtaining these unpublished survey reports, please feel free to reach out to our data manager via email (apes@iucnapesportal.org)
Country | Site | Taxon | Year | Title |
Angola | Maiombe forest | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2005 | Ron; T. (2005) The Maiombe forest in Cabinda: Conservation efforts; 2000-2004. Gorilla Journal; 30. |
Bangladesh | Sheikh Jamal Inani NP | Hoolock hoolock | 2021 | Kabir; M. T.; Ahsan; M. F.; Cheyne; S. M.; Sah; S. A. M.; Lappan; S.; Bartlett; T. Q.; & Ruppert; N. (2021). Population assessment of the endangered Western Hoolock Gibbon Hoolock hoolock Harlan; 1834 at Sheikh Jamal Inani National Park; Bangladesh; and conservation significance of this site for threatened wildlife species. Journal of Threatened Taxa; 13(7); 18687-18694. |
Bangladesh | Eastern Bangladesh | Hoolock hoolock | 2021 | Naher; H.; Al-Razi; H.; Ahmed; T.; Hasan; S.; Jaradat; A.; & Muzaffar; S. B. (2021). Estimated Density; Population Size and Distribution of the Endangered Western Hoolock Gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) in Forest Remnants in Bangladesh. Diversity; 13(10); 490. |
Burkina Faso | Arly NP; Pama Partial Reserve; Comoe-Leraba Partial Reserve; Koulbi Protected Forest; Nazinga Game Ranch and Reserve | Pan troglodytes verus | 2013 | Ginn; L.P. Robison J.; Redmond; I. and Nekaris; K.A.I.(2013) Strong evidence that the West African chimpanzee is extirpated from Burkina Faso. Oryx; 47:325-326. doi:10.1017/S0030605313000434. |
Burundi | Bururi-Rumonge-Vyanda | Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii | 1989 | Anon. (1989) Developement Rural - Projet Bururi-Rumonge-Vyanda (Burundi). In Proceedings from the first International Workshop for the Conservation and Management of Afromontane Forests; Cyangugu; Rwanda. |
Burundi | 2013 | Hakizimana; D. and Huynen; M-C (2013) Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) Population Density and Abundance in Kibira National Park; Burundi. Pan Africa News; 20(2); December 2013 | ||
Cambodia | Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary | Nomascus gabriellae - Yellow-cheeked crested gibbon | 2009 | Channa; P.; & Gray; T. (2009) The status and habitat of yellow-cheeked crested gibbon Nomascus gabriellae in Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary; Mondulkiri. Phnom Penh: WWF Greater Mekong-Cambodia Country Programme. |
Cambodia | Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary (KSWS) | Nomascus gabriellae - Yellow-cheeked crested gibbon | 2022 | Nuttall; M. N.; Griffin; O.; Fewster; R. M.; McGowan; P. J. K.; Abernethy; K.; O'Kelly; H.; Nut; M.; Sot; V.; & Bunnefeld; N. (2022) Long-term monitoring of wildlife populations for protected area management in Southeast Asia. Conservation Science and Practice; 4( 2); e614. https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.614 |
Cameroon | Ebo Forest | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2008 | Abwe; E. E.; & Morgan; (2008) The Ebo forest: Four years of preliminary resarch and conservation of the Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes vellerosus) Pan Africa News 15 (2). |
Cameroon | Douala-Edea Wildlife Reserve | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2005 | Ajonina; S.A. (2005) Reproductive and management aspects of endangered chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) population at Douala-Edea Wildlife Reserve Cameroon. Proposal to Brandenburgische Technische Universitat; Cottbus; Germany. |
Cameroon | FMU 10 030 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2003 | Arnhem; E. (2003) Etude de le repartition spatiale des grands mammiferes dans un zone d'etude au centre de l'UFA 10 030. Report PALLISCO; S.A.R.L. |
Cameroon | FMU 10 031 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2008 | Arnhem; E. (2008) Eco-Ethological response of great apes and other rainforest mammals to selective logging in Cameroon. PhD thesis. Universite Libre de Bruxelles; Bruxelles. |
Cameroon | FMU 10 030 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2008 | Arnhem; E.; Dupain; J.; Vercauteren Drubbel; R.; Devos; C.; Vercauteren; M. (2008) Selective logging; habitat quality and home range use by sympatric gorillas and chimpanzees: A case study from an active logging concession in Southeast Cameroon. Folia Primatologica; 79:1-14. |
Cameroon | Mile 27 | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2004 | Ashu; M. (2004) Investigation of gorilla presence at mile 27; Manyu Division; Southwest Province; Cameroon. Report WCS. |
Cameroon | Takamanda Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2001 | Ayeni; J.S.O; Tah; E.A. and Mdaihli; M. (2001) Survey of wildlife utilization around Takamanda Forest Reserve. Report; MINEF;GTZ-PROFA; Mamfe. |
Cameroon | Takamanda Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2001 | Ayeni; J.S.O. & Mdaihl; M. (2001) Wildlife hunting and bushmeat trade utilization in the Takamanda Forest reserve areas of South west province; Cameroon. Project for the Protection of Forests Around Akwaya; Report to PROFA (GTZ-MINEF); Mamfe; South-West Province; Cameroon. |
Cameroon | Takamanda Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2003 | Ayeni; J.S.O.; Tah; E.; Mdaihli; M. and Ada; M. (2003) An evaluation of the exit routes for bush-meat and live wildlife within the Takamanda Forest Reserve Area. PROPA-MINEF report. |
Cameroon | Takamanda Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2002 | Ayeni; J.S.O.; Tah; E.A. And Mdaihli; M. (2002) Abundance pattern for mammals in the Takamanda Forest Reserve. Cameroonian-German Project for the protection of forest around Akwaya (PROFA) GTZ-MINEF; MAMFE. |
Cameroon | Boumba-Bek NP | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2005 | Bene Bene; C.L. & Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L.(2005) Suivi Ecologique dans le parc national de Boumba Bek et sa zone peripherique: donnes de base sur la dynamique des populations de grands et moyens mammiferes et des activites anthropiques. Report WWF. |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2006 | Bergl; R.A. (2006) Conservation Biology of the Cross River Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) PhD thesis.The City University of New York. | |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2012 | Bergl; R.A.; Warren;Y.; Nicholas;A.; Dunn; A. Imong;I.; Sunderland-Groves;J.L. and Oates; J.F. (2012). Remote sensing analysis reveals habitat; dispersal corridors and expanded distribution for the Critically Endangered Cross River gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli. Oryx; 46; pp 278-289. doi:10.1017/S0030605310001857. | |
Cameroon | Lobeke NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2019 | BEUKOU B.; SOMBAMBO M.; NZOOH Z.; N'GORAN K.P.; HESSANA D.; SEBOGO L. & MENGAMENYA A. (2019). Dynamique des populations des grands et moyens mammiferes dans le segment cameroun du paysage de la Tri-national de la Sangha. WWF Report and MINFOP |
Cameroon | Nkwende Hills Forest Reserve | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2013 | Bobo; K.S.; Ntumwel; B.; C. and Aghomo; M.F.F. (2013) Local Perception on Wildlife uses and related loss of cultural values around the Nkwende Hills Forest Reserve; South-West Cameroon. Life Sciences Leaflets 5: 1-8 |
Cameroon | Dja Biosphere Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2004 | Bombone; K.; Dupain; J. Neel; C. (2004) Statut des populations des grands singes (Gorlla gorilla gorilla and Pan troglodytes) du secteur forestier d'Ekom (Reserve de Biosphere du Dja-Est Cameroun) Densite; longevite des nids (chimpanze & gorille) et conservation. Rapport technique no. 1 mars 2004. Groupement AGRECO-SEGA-CIRAD foret. |
Cameroon | Dja Biosphere Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2004 | Bombone; K.; Dupain; J.; Djoufack; S.; Epanda; M.; Neel; C. (2004) Socio-ecologie des grands singes (Gorilla gorilla gorilla et Pan troglodytes troglodytes) en milieu de foret dense du Dja-secteur forestier d'Ekom (reserve Biosphere du Dja - Est Cameroun) Longevite des nids et quelques aspects du comportment nidificateur des chimpanzes & des gorilles.Rapport technique no. 2 mars 2004. Groupement AGRECO-SEGA-CIRAD foret. |
Cameroon | FMU 10-026 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2004 | Bombone; K.K.; Djoufack; S.D.; Epanda; M. A.(2004) Densite; Abondance relative; distribution des grands mammiferes & impact des activites humaines dans l'UFA 10 026. Centre Pour la Rescherche etla Conservation Societe Royale Zoologique d'Anverse (SZRA) JMN. |
Cameroon | FMU 10-047a | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2007 | Bombone. K. (2007) Evalutation du potentiel faunique mammalien dans l'UFA 10 047a concession forestiere 1057. Report to Horizon Vert-gie |
Cameroon | Dja Faunal Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2018 | Bruce; C et al. (2018). Faunal Inventory of the Dja Faunal Reserve; Cameroon � 2018. Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF); Zoological Society of London � Cameroon Country Programme; African Wildlife Foundation; Yaounde; Cameroon. |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2007 | Chogue; R. & Nzooh; Z. (2007) Les grands et moyens mammiferes dans la ZICGC 2: Abondance et pressions. Rapport pour WWF-GTZ | |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2008 | Cocca; M.(2008). Using Non-Invasive Molecular Techniques to Obtain a Population Count of Highly Endangered Nigerian Gorillas. MSc thesis; Depart. Anthropology; New York University. | |
Cameroon | Mbe mountains | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2007 | Cohen; N. (2007c) Monitoring the abundance of wildlife in the Mbe mountains: november 2006_February 2007. Report to NCF/WCS. |
Cameroon | Takamanda Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2003 | Comiskey JA; Sunderland T; and Sunderland-Groves JL. (2003) Takamanda: The Biodiversity of an African Rainforest. Smithsonian Institution; Washington; DC. |
Cameroon | Takamanda Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 1968 | Critchley;W.R. (1968) Final report on Takamanda gorilla survey. Report to the Winston Churchhill Memorial Trust. |
Cameroon | Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2011 | De Vere; R.A.; Warren; Y.; Nicholas; A.; McKenzie; M.E. and Higham; J. (2011) New site ecology of the Cross River gorilla at the Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary; Cameroon; with special reference to anthropogenic influence. American Journal of Primatology; 73:253-261. |
Cameroon | Dja Biosphere Reserve | Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2006 | Deblauwe; I.; Guislain; P.; Dupain; J.; and Van Elsacker; L. (2006) Use of a tool-set by Pan troglodytes troglodytes to obtain termites (Macrotermes) in the periphery of the Dja Biosphere Reserve; southeast Cameroon. American Journal Primatology 68(12):1191-1196. |
Cameroon | Dja Faunal Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla | 2003 | Djoufack; S.D. (2003a) Contribution a la characterisation de la vegetation et etude de la distribution des gorilles (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) en peripherie de la Reserve de Faune du Dja. MSc thesis; Universite'de Yaounde 1; Cameroun. |
Cameroon | Dja Biosphere Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla | 2003 | Djoufack; S.D. (2003b) Vegetation et Distribution des nids de gorilles (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) dans le peripherie nord de la reserve de la Biosphere du Dja. Diploma Study. Universite de Yaounde; Faculte des sciences. |
Cameroon | Mount Nlonako | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2001 | Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett (2001) Birds & mammals of Yabassi. Report to WWF-Cameroon; Project des forets de la Cross-Sanaga. |
Cameroon | Dja Faunal Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2003 | Dupain; J.; Bombome; K. & Van Elsacker; L. (2003) Les chimpanzes et les gorilles de la Reserve de Faune du Dja. Canopee; 24; 14-15. |
Cameroon | Dja Faunal Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2004 | Dupain; J.; Guislain; P.; Nguenang; K.; de Vleeschouwer; K.; and van Elsacker; L. (2004) High chimpanzee and gorilla densities in a non-protected area on the northern periphery of the Dja Faunal Reserve; Cameroon. Oryx; 38 (2): 209-216. |
Cameroon | Dja Faunal Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2003 | Ecofac Cameroun; Ministere des Forets et de la Faune; Bidiversite. Survey Records: 1998-2003 in Dja Forest reserve |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 1992 | Edwards; A.E. (1992) The diurnal primates of Korup national park; Cameroon: abundance; productivity and polyspecific associations. Research report USAIS; WCI. |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 1995 | Edwards; A.E. (1995) The diurnal primates of Korup National Park; Cameroon: abundance; productivity and polyspecific associations. PhD thesis. University of Florida |
Cameroon | Assaka forest | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2006 | Ekinde; A. & Ashu; M. (2006) Preliminary survey of ape around the Assaka forest; Akwaya sub division; south west province; Cameroon. Report WCS Cross River Gorilla Project |
Cameroon | FMU11-002; Besali-Bechati-Fossimondi forests | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2006 | Ekinde; A. & Khumbah; P.A. (2006) Cross river gorilla surveys in south east UFA 11-002 and search for genetic samples in the Besali-Bechati-Fossimondi forests. Report WCS; ERuDeF |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2007 | Ekinde; A. & Warren; Y. (2007) Programme for the sustainable management of natural resources in the south west province; Cameroon. Report WCS | |
Cameroon | Esimbi area | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2004 | Ekinde; A. (2004) Preliminary ape surveys around the Esimbi area; North West Province; Cameroon. Report WCS. |
Cameroon | Mbulu forest | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2005 | Ekinde; A. and Wittiger; L. (2005) Preliminary ape surveys around the Bantakpa forest; Mbulu forest; South West Province; Cameroon. Report to the Wildlife Conservation Society. 15pp. |
Cameroon | Fungom Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2005 | Ekinde; A.; Ashu; M. Sunderland-Groves; J. (2005) Preliminary ape surveys around the Fungom Forest Reserve and Furu-Awa sub division; North West Province; Cameroon. Report WCS & Cross River Gorilla Project. |
Cameroon | Lebialem-Mone Landscape forest | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2008 | Ekobo; A. & Eno Nku; M. (2008) Large Mammal Survey of the Lebialem-Mone Landscape forest; South West Province; Cameroon. Report WWF. |
Cameroon | Boumba-Bek NP; Nki NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1998 | Ekobo; A. (1998a) Large Mammals and vegetation surveys in the Boumba-Bek and Nki Project area. Report to WWF-CPO; Yaounde; Cameroon. |
Cameroon | FMU 00-004 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2007 | Ekobo; A. (2007) Etude sur les potentialites fauniques de l'UFA 00-004 Province du Littoral; Cameroun. Report WWF. |
Cameroon | Mount Cameroon NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2007 | Eno Nku; M. & Ekobo; A. (2007) Large Mammal Surveys of the Proposed Mt. Cameroon National Park; SW province. Report WWF |
Cameroon | Campo Ma'an NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2001 | Eno Nku; M. (2001). Frequency of large mammal visits to a forest clearing: A case study of eco-tourism potential in the Campo Ma'an National park; Southern Cameroon. MSc Thesis dissertation. Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology; Univ. Kent at Canterbury; United Kingdom. |
Cameroon | Ejagham Forest Reserve | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2003 | Eno Nku; M. (2003a) Rapid large mammal assessment of Ejagham Forest Reserve; South west province - Cameroon. Report WCS Cameroon |
Cameroon | FMU11-001; Nkwende Hills Forest | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2003 | Eno Nku; M. (2003b) Rapid large mammal assessment of Nkwende Hills Forest Concession (UFA 11-001) & Upper Banyang Forest Concession (UFA 11-002); South West province- Cameroon. Report WCS Cameroon |
Cameroon | Mone River Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2004 | Eno Nku; M. (2004a) Assessment of Large & Medium Sized Mammals of the Mone River Forest Reserve; South West Province - Cameroon. Report WCS. |
Cameroon | Lake Barombi Mbo Forest; Southern Bakundi Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2004 | Eno Nku; M. (2004b) Large mammal reconnaisance surveys at Lake Barombi Mbo & Southern Bakundi Forest Reserves; SW province. Report WCS |
Cameroon | Mount Etinde Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2004 | Eno Nku; M. (2004c) Large mammal reconnaisance surveys of Mt Etinde Forest Reserve; SW province. Report WCS Cameroon |
Cameroon | FMU 09-024 | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2004 | Eno Nku; M. (2004d) Large & Medium size Mammal survey of the UFA 09-024 Forest Concession; South Province Cameroon. WCS Report. |
Cameroon | FMU 09-021 | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2004 | Eno Nku; M. (2004e) Large & Medium Size Mammal Survey of the UFA 09-021 Forest Concession. Report WCS |
Cameroon | FMU 11-002 | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2004 | Eno Nku; M. (2004f) Large & medium size mammal survey of the Upper Banyang Forest Concession (UFA 11-002); South West province- Cameroon. Report WCS. |
Cameroon | FMU 11-001 | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2004 | Eno Nku; M. (2004g) Large and medium size mammal survey of the Upper Banyang Forest Concession-UFA 11-001-SW province Cameroon. Report WCS. |
Cameroon | Nguti Council Forest | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2008 | Eno Nku; M. (2008a) Large Mammal Survey of the Nguti Council Forest; South West Province � Cameroon. Report WWF. |
Cameroon | FMU 00-001; FMU 00-002 | 2008 | Eno Nku; M. (2008b) Large Mammal Survey of the UFA 00-001/002. Report WWF | |
Cameroon | FMU 11-001 | 2008 | Eno Nku; M. (2008c) Large Mammal Survey of the UFA 11-001. Report WWF. | |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | unpul | Eno Nku; M.; Fotso; R.; Sunderland-Groves; J. (unpubl) Gorilla and Chimpanzee Populations in the Deng-Deng Forest Reserve; Eastern Province; Cameroon | |
Cameroon | Dja Faunal Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1999 | Eno Nku; M.; van del Wal; M. (1999) Density estimates in the Dja faunal reserve: a comparison of sites. |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2001 | Epanda; M.A. (2001). Etude de quelcques aspects de l'ecologie des primates diurnes dans le parc national de Korup. MSc thesis dissertation Universite de Dschang; Faculte d�gronomie et des sciences agicoles; Department de foresterie. |
Cameroon | Mawambi Hills | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2013 | Etiendem; D. N.; Neba; F.-G.; Tagg; N.; Indah; E. K.; & Hens; L. (2013a). The cross river gorillas (Gorilla gorilla diehli) at Mawambi Hills; SW Cameroon: habitat suitability and vulnerability to anthropogenic disturbance. Folia Primatologica; 84:18�31. |
Cameroon | Mawambi Hills | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2013 | Etiendem; D. N.; Tagg; N.; Hens; L.; & Pereboom; Z. (2013b). Impact of human activities on cross river gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) habitats in the Mawambi Hills; southwest Cameroon. Endangered Species Research; 20;167�179. |
Cameroon | Bechati; Fossimondi; Besali forests | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2011 | Etiendem; D.N.; Hens; L. and Pereboom; Z. (2011) Traditional knowledge systems and the Conservation of Cross River gorillas: a case study of Bechati; Fossimondi; Besali; Cameroon. Ecology and Society; 16(3):22 |
Cameroon | FMU 10-038 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2001 | Etoga; G. (2001) Etude sur les potentialites fauniques de l'UFA 10 038. Report SFID |
Cameroon | FMU 10-039 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2002 | Etoga; G. (2002) Etude sur le potentialites fauniques de l'UFA 10 039. Report for RP PALLISCO. Jiun 2002. |
Cameroon | FMU 09-017 ; FMU 09-018 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2003 | Etoga; G. (2003a) Etude sur les potentialites fauniques des UFAs 09017 et 09018. Report. FIPCAM. October 2003 |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2003 | Etoga; G. (2003b) Etude sur les potentialites fauniques des UFAs 10044; 10042 et 10041. Report RP Pallisco | |
Cameroon | FMU 09-024 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2008 | Etoga; G. (2008) Etude des potentialites fauniques des grands mamiferes et des activites humaines dans l'UFA 09 024; Sud Cameroun. WWF Kudu Zombo project report. |
Cameroon | Campo Ma'an NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2008 | Etoga; G.P. & Foguekem; D.(2008b) Suivi des populations des grands et moyens mammiferes et des activites humaines dans le parc national de Campo Ma'an; sud Cameroun. Report WWF. |
Cameroon | FMU 09-024 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2008 | Eyebe; J.P. (2008). Etude du potentiel faunique d'une concession forestiere cas de l'UFA 09-024 pheripherie du Parc National de Campo Ma'an. Dipl�me d'Ingenieur des Eaux; Forets et Chasse; University De Dschang; Depart. De Foresti�re |
Cameroon | Bakossi landscape area | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2011 | Fonkwo; N.S.; Angwafo; T.E. and Mbida; M. (2011) Abundance and distribution of large mammals in the Bakossi landscape area; Cameroon. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol.2(2): 43-48 |
Cameroon | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2007 | Forboseh; P.F.; Eno Nku; M. & Sunderland; T.C.H. (2007) Priority setting for conservation in south-west Cameroon based on large mammal surveys. Oryx; 41(2) 255-262. | |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2002 | Fotso; R. ;Eno Nku; M.; and Groves; J. (2002) Distribution and conservation status of gorilla population in the forests around Belabo; Eastern province; Cameroon. Report; Cameroon Oil Transportation Company (COTCO) | |
Cameroon | Etinde forest reserve | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 1992 | Gadsby; E.L.; Jenkins; JR. (1992) Report on wildlife & hunting in the proposed Etinde forest reserve. Limbe botanic garden & rainforest genetic conservation project. |
Cameroon | FMU 10-023 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2006 | Ghogue; R.; Nzooh Dongmo Z-L. (2006) Foret; Faune et hommes: les grands mammiferes et les activites anthropiques dans l'UFA 10-023: Donnees de base pour l'amenagement durable de cette concession forestiere. Report WWF. SFCS. TTS. |
Cameroon | Lobeke NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2020 | Ginath Yuh; Y.; N'Goran; P. K.; Dongmo; Z. N.; Tracz; W.; Tangwa; E.; Agunbiade; M.; ... & Fotang; C. (2020). Mapping suitable great ape habitat in and around the Lobeke National Park; South?East Cameroon.�Ecology and evolution;�10(24); 14282-14299. |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 1999 | Groves; J.L. & Maisels; F. (1999) Report on the large mammal fauna of the Takamanda Reserve; South West Province; Cameron - with special enphasis on the gorilla population. Report to WWF-Cameroon Programme Office. | |
Cameroon | Takamanda NP | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 1999 | Groves-Sunderland; J. (1999) Gorillas in the Takamanda Forest Reserve. Gorilla Journal 18: 17-18. |
Cameroon | Takamanda NP; Mone forest; Mbulu forest reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2001 | Groves-Sunderland; J. (2001) Current status of the cross river gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) in the Takamanda and Mone reserve and the Mbulu Forest; Cameroon. In Proceedings of the international workshop and conference on the conservation of the cross river gorillas; Calabar; Nigeria. Apil 6-9;2001. Eds. Bassey; A.E. and Oates; J.F. |
Cameroon | Takamanda NP; Mone forest; Mbulu forest reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2002 | Groves-Sunderland; J. (2002) Report on the status and distribution of the Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) population of the Takamanda and Mone Forest Reserves and the Mbulu Forest; Southwest Province; Cameroon. A report to WCS Africa programm |
Cameroon | Mengame Gorilla Sanctuary | Gorilla gorilla gorilla | 2003 | Halford; T.; Auzel; P.; Dame; M.; Ekodeck; H.; Sok; B. and Ellis; C. (2003) Statut des populations de gorilles (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) et de chimpanzes (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) dans le Sanctuaire a Gorilles de Mengame; Province du Sud; Cameroun: densite; distribution; pressions et conservation. Rapport Technique no 2. Mai 2003. MINEF & Jane Goodall Intitute. |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2020 | Hofner; A. N.; Robinson; C. A. J.; Hall; E. S.; Capel; T.; Astaras; C.; & Linder; J. M. (2020) Surveying Primates in Northeastern Korup National Park; Cameroon: A Longitudinal Comparison. African Primates; 14; 35-44. |
Cameroon | FMU 10-047a | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2007 | Horizon Vert-Gie (2007) Evaluation du potentiel faunique mammalien dans l'UFA 10-047a concession forestiere 1057. Diversite biologique; densite; activites humaines et distribution spatiale de la faune sauvage. Report Horizon Vert-Gie; Ecofac |
Cameroon | Takamanda NP | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2007 | Hyacinth; M. & Warren; Y. (2007a) The proposed Takamanda National Park: Cross River Gorilla surveys. Feb-May 2007. Report to the Wildlife Conservation Society and KfW � WCS- Takamanda Mone Landscape Project; Limbe; Cameroon. |
Cameroon | Takamanda NP | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2007 | Hyacinth; M.; Warren; Y. (2007b) Large Mammal Survey of the proposed Takamanda National Park; p. 67. Wildlife Conservation Society and KfW. Report 2 in the July 2007 series. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) � Takamanda Mone Landscape Project; Limbe; Cameroon. |
Cameroon | Mbe Mountains | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2009 | Imong; I. & Okeke; F. (2009) Gorilla census of the Mbe mountains Community Wildlife Sanctuary; Cross River State; Nigeria; September 2009. Report to the WCS; Conservation Association of Mbe Mountains and Cross River State Forestry Commission. |
Cameroon | Mbam-Djerem NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2020 | Kamgang; S.A.; Carme; T.C.; Bobo; K.S.; et al. (2020). Assessment of in situ nest decay rate for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes ellioti Matschie; 1914) in Mbam-Djerem National Park; Cameroon: implications for long-term monitoring. Primates; 60; 189�200. DOI: 10.1007/s10329-019-00768-3. |
Cameroon | Lebialem-Mone Forest Landscape | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2013 | Last; C and Muh; B. (2013). Effects of Human Presence on Chimpanzee Nest Location in the Lebialem-Mone Forest Landscape; Southwest Region; Cameroon |
Cameroon | Dja Faunal Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2010 | Latour; S. (2010) Reserve de Faune du Dja. Evaluation du statut des grands singes. Groupement BRL Ingenierie -SECA/GFA/DFS. 68pp. |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2008 | Linder; J. (2008) The impact of hunting on primates in Korup National Park; Cameroon: implications for primate conservation. PhD thesis.Graduate Faculty in Anthropology; The City University of New York. |
Cameroon | ZICG | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2007 | Mahop J.P. (2007) Densite; abondance et distribution spatio-temporelle des grands et moyens mammif�res diurnes dans la ZIGC 9. Report WWF |
Cameroon | Mbam-Djerem NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2003 | Maisels; F. (2003) Mbam Djerem National Park. Conservation Status; October 2003. Large mammals and human impact. Final Report WCS-Cameroon. |
Cameroon | Mbam-Djerem NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2004 | Maisels; F. (2004a) Cameroun: Mbam Djerem. CANOPEE: 27. |
Cameroon | Mbam-Djerem NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2004 | Maisels; F. (2004b) Mbam Djerem National Park; Cameroon: at the forest's edge. Report WCS. |
Cameroon | Korup NP; Mount Cameroon; Takamanda NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2007 | Maisels; F.; Ekobo; A. (2007) Wildlife and human impact monitoring in Korup;Takamanda and Mount Cameroon. Report to WCS and WWF. |
Cameroon | Mbam-Djerem NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2000 | Maisels; F.; Fotso; R.C. & Hoile; D. (2000) Mbam Djerem National Park. Conservation Status; March 2000. Large mammals and human impact. Final report WCS-Cameroon. |
Cameroon | FMU10�065 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2013 | Maisels; F.; Strindberg; S.; Ambahe; R. et al. (2013) Deng Deng National Park and UFA 10�065; Republic of Cameroon. Wildlife and Human Impact Survey 2012. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). |
Cameroon | Campo Ma'an NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1999 | Matthews; A. & Matthews A. (1999) Primate Populations in the Campo Ma'an Area Southwest Cameroon. Report to Trobenbos Foundation on a consultancy carried out in Cameroon. Institut fur Anthropologie and Humanbiologie Freie Universitat Berlin. November 1999. |
Cameroon | Campo Ma'an NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2000 | Matthews; A. & Matthews; A. (2000) Primate populations and inventory of large and medium sized mammals in the Campo Ma-an project area; Southwest Cameroon including management reccomendations. Report to Tropenbos Foundation on a consultancy carried out in Cameroon: 146 p. |
Cameroon | Campo Ma'an Forest | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2006 | Matthews; A. & Matthews; A. (2006) Inventory of large and medium-sized mammals in south-western Cameroon. Mammalia; Vol.70; 3-4: 276-287. |
Cameroon | Campo Ma'an Forest | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2004 | Matthews; A. and Matthews; A. (2004) Survey of gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) in Southwestern Cameroon. Primates; 45:15-24. |
Cameroon | Balikumbat-Awing forest | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2005 | Mboh; H. (2005) Preliminary ape survey around Balikumbat-Awing forest; Ngoketunua division; north West Province; Cameroon. Report WCS. |
Cameroon | ZICGC-01; ZICGC-08 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2007 | Mendomo Biang; J.D. & Nzooh Ndongmo; Z. (2007) Evalutation des potentialites fauniques dans les ZIC GC 01 & 08; releve des pistes et formation des membres du COVAREF 1 aux methodes simples de suivi de la faune dans leur ZICGC. Rapport Faune ZIC CG 01. Rapport WWF-GTZ |
Cameroon | FMU 10-063 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2007 | Mengamenya; A.G. & Nzooh Dongmo Z-L. (2007) Caracterisation de la grande et moyenne faune mammalienne dans la ZICGC no 3 assise sur l'UFA 10-063: Potentiel et menaces. Rapport WWF-GTZ |
Cameroon | Dja Faunal Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2015 | MINFOF and UICN (2015). Caracterisation de la population de grands et moyens mammif�res dans la Reserve de Faune du Dja: Potentiel et menaces; Yaounde; Cameroun: 54 pages + Annexes. |
Cameroon | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2015 | Mitchell MW; Locatelli S; Clee PRS; Thomassen HA and Gonder MK. (2015). Environmental variation and rivers govern the structure of chimpanzee genetic diversity in a biodiversity hotspot.BMC Evolutionary Biology; 15:1 doi:10.1186/s12862-014-0274-0 | |
Cameroon | Ebo Forest | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2004 | Morgan; B. (2004) The Gorillas of the Ebo Forest; Cameroon. Gorilla Journal; 28. |
Cameroon | Ebo Forest | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2003 | Morgan; B.; Wild; C.; and Ekobo; A. (2003) Newly discovered gorilla population in the Ebo forest; Littoral Province; Cameroon. International Journal of Primatology; 24(5): 1129-1137. |
Cameroon | Dja Biosphere Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1995 | Muchaal; P.K. & Ngandjui; G. (1995) Wildlife populations in the western Dja Reserve (Cameroon) as assessment of the impact of village hunting and alternatives for sustainable utilisation.Final Report; march 1995. Republic of Cameroon; Ministry of environment and Forests. MINEF-ECOFAC- Cameroon Project finaced by the European Development Fund. |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 1997 | Muhlenberg; M.; Slowik; J. And Steinhauer-Burkart; B. (1997) Development of a Biomonitoring Concept for the timber concession MPL and CAFECI in the Korup Project Area. Korup National Park. Report GTZ. |
Cameroon | FMU 09-013 | Gorilla gorilla diehli & Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2004 | Ndeh; A. (2004) A rapid faunal assessment of UFA 09-013 forest concession; south province; Cameroon. Report WCS; Cameroon |
Cameroon | Campo Ma'an NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2004 | Neel; C.; Vergnes; V.; Dupain; J. (2004) Large mammals inventory and feasibility of Gorilla gorilla gorilla habituation: potential for eco-tourism in the Campo Ma'an National Park. WWF; Zoo antwerpen; Report PGS. |
Cameroon | 2000 | Ngandjui; G. and C.P. Blanc. (2000) Biogeographie et biodiversite: aires protegees et conservation des mammiferes au Cameroun. Biogeographica 76(2): 63�77. | ||
Cameroon | Campo Ma'an NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2001 | Ngandjui; G.; Anye; N.D.; Chuenu; L.M.; Eno Nku; M.; Okie; E.S. (2001) Abondance relative et distribution spatiale des elephants; buffles; pongides; cercopithecides et de la pression de chasse dans l'UTO Campo Ma'an et propositions preliminaires d'amenagement du Parc National de Campo Ma'an. Rapport preliminaire. Project d'amenagement et de conservation de la biodiversite de Campo Ma'an. |
Cameroon | Campo Ma'an NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2002 | Ngandjui; G.; Anye; N.D.; Chuenu; M. L.; Eno Nku; M.; Okie; E. S. (2002) Densite; abondance relative et distribution de la faune mammalienne. Evalutation de la pression de chasse dans l'UTO Campo-Ma'an et propositions de mesures de gestion; conservation et protection. Campo Ma'an document no.24. Project d'amenagement de conservation de la biodiversite de Campo-Ma'an; Cameroun. Report Tropenbos International. |
Cameroon | Campo Ma'an NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1999 | Ngandjui; G.; Chuenu; L.M.; Eno Nku; M.; Okie; E.S. (1999) Inventaire de Reconnaissaince dans la zone de protection integrale du site GEF Campo-Ma'an. Rapport preliminaire. Project Campo Ma'an and Tropenbos |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2010 | Nicholas; A.; Warren; Y.; Bila; S.; Ekinde; A.; Ikfuingei; R. and Tampie; R. (2010) Successes in Community-Based Monitoring of Cross River Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla diehli) in Cameroon. African Primates; 7(1); 55-60 | |
Cameroon | Lake Barombi Mbo Forest Reserve; Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2004 | Nku; E. (2004a). Large mammal reconnaissance surveys of Lake Barombi Mbo and Southern Bakundu Forest Reserves; SW Province Cameroon. Unpublished report. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). |
Cameroon | Cavally Classified Forest; Goin-Debe Classified Forest | Pan troglodytes verus | 2007 | Normand; E. (2007) Protection of two high priority classified Forests in C�te d'Ivoire (Cavally and Goin-Debe): Improved management plan and bio-monitoring of logging operations. Report GAECF. |
Cameroon | Campo Ma'an NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2015 | Nzooh D. Z.; N'Goran K.P.; Fondja C. ; and Nkono J. (2015). EVALUATION DE LA DYNAMIQUE DES POPULATIONS DE GRANDS ET MOYENS MAMMIFERES DANS LE DOMAINE FORESTIER PERMANENT DE L'UNITE TECHNIQUE OPERATIONNELLE CAMPO MA'AN. WWF Regional Office for Africa and MINFOF; Service de Conservation du Parc National de Campo Ma'an. Unpublished Report. |
Cameroon | Ngoila Mintom Forest | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2003 | Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L (2003a) Statut des grands et moyens mammiferes et des activites humaines dans le massif forestier de Ngoila Mintom. Report WWF CCPO ECOFAC |
Cameroon | FMU 10-052 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2003 | Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L; Bassama; C. (2003) Evalutation preliminaire de l'environment bio-ecologique: statut des grands et moyens mammiferes et des activites humaines dans l'UFA 10-052. Report WWF. |
Cameroon | FMU 10-013 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2004 | Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L; Bassama; C.; Konje; P. (2004) Statut des grands et moyens mammiferes et des activites humaines dans l'UFA 10-013. Report WWF - CFE Compagnie Forestiere de l'Est. |
Cameroon | FMU 10-064 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2004 | Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L; Bassama; C.; Kouop Begne; S. (2004) Statut des grands et moyens mammiferes et des activites humaines dans l'UFA 10-064. Report WWF-SEFAC-SEBAC-FB. |
Cameroon | ZICGC-01; 02; 03; 08 et 09 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2002 | Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L; Koulbout; D.; Bene Bene; L.; Konje; P.(2002) Evalutation des potentialites fauniques des zones d'interet cynegetique a gestion communautaire (ZICGC) no 1;2;3;8 et 9 au sud-est Cameroun. Report WWF. |
Cameroon | FMU 10-018 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2003 | Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L; Ngniado Wouala; A.; Mahop; J-P.(2003) Statut des grands et moyes mammiferes et des activites humaines dans l'UFA 10-018. Report WWF-SIBAF (Societe Industriele de Bois d'Afrique) |
Cameroon | Dja Biosphere Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1999 | Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L. (1999) Dynamique de la faune sauvage et des activites anthropiques dans la reserve de biosphere du Dja et ses environs.Volume 1. ECOFAC; Ministere de lenvironment et des forets. |
Cameroon | Dja Biosphere Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2001 | Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L. (2001) Dynamique de la faune sauvage et des activites anthropiques dans le reserve de biosphere du Dja et ses environs. Volume 2. ECOFAC; Ministere de l'environnement et des forets. |
Cameroon | Lobeke NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2003 | Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L. (2003b) Suivi ecologique dans le parc national de Lobeke et la zone peripherique: donnees de base sur la dynamique des populations de grands et moyens mammiferes et des activites anthropiques. Report WWF. |
Cameroon | FMU 10-021 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2003 | Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L.; Bassama; C.; Mahop; J-P. (2003) Evalutation preliminaire de l'environment bio-ecologique: statut des grands et moyens mammiferes et des activites humaines dans l'UFA 10-021. Report WWF-GDC (Groupe Decolvenaere Cameroun) |
Cameroon | FMU 10-008; 10-009; 10-010; 10-012 | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2005 | Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L.; Bassama; C.; Ndinga; H. (2005) Populations des grands et moyens mammiferes dans l'UFA 10-008; 10-009; 10-010; 10-012: donnees de base pour l'amenagement durable des concessions. Report WWF; SEFAC; SEBAC; FB |
Cameroon | Nki NP and sourroundings | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2006 | Nzooh Dongmo; Z-L.; Kouob Begne; S.; Annong; V.; Bassama; C.; Fouda; E.; Mahop; J.P.(2006) Suivi ecologique dans le Parc National de Nki et sa zone peripherique: donnees de base sur la dynamique des populations de grands et moyens mammiferes et des activites anthropiques. Report WWF. |
Cameroon | Lobeke NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2016 | NZOOH Z. L.; N'GORAN K. P.; EKODECK H.; KOBLA S; SOMBAMBO M.; FAMEGNI S. & MENGAMENYA A. (2016a) LES POPULATIONS DE GRANDS ET MOYENS MAMMIFERES DANS LE SEGMENT LOBeKe DU PAYSAGE TRI-NATIONAL DE LA SANGHA. WWF Central Africa and MINISTERE DES FORETS ET DE LA FAUNE; Cameroun. Unpublished Report |
Cameroon | TRIDOM - Cameroon (Ngoyla Mintom; PN Boumba Bek; PN Nki and peripheric zones) | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2016 | Nzooh Z.L.; N'goran K. P.; Etoga G.;Belinga J.P.;Fouda; E.; Dandjouma; M.; Dongmo; P. (2016b). Les populations de grands et moyens mamif�res ands le segment Cameroun du paysage TRIDOM (Foret de Ngoyla Mintom; PN Boumba Bek; PN Nki et leurs zones peripheriques). MINFOF Service de conservation PNBB et PNNKi and WWF Office for Africa. Unpublished report |
Cameroon | Proposed Andokat Mangroves Wildlife Reserve | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2001 | O'Kah; E. M. (2001) A preliminary rapid wildlife survey. The Proposed Andokat Mangroves Wildlife Reserve. Report WWF - Cross-Sanaga-Bioko-Coastal Forest project. |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2003 | Okon; D. & Dunn; A. (2003) Monitoring the abundance of large mammals in Korup National Park; Cameroon. Report WCI. |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2007 | Okon; D. & Ekobo; A. (2007) Monitoring large mammals and human activities in Korup National Park . Report WWF. |
Cameroon | Dja Biosphere Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2003 | PGS - Collection of Reports - Great Ape Survey December2002-August2003 |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla gorilla | 2004 | Preston; M. (2004) Estimation of Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) group sizes and Compositions in Cameroon by Indirect Evidence. Thesis; University of Colorado at Boulder. | |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1991 | Stromayer; K. & Ekobo; A. (1991a) Biological surveys of southeastern Cameroon. Wildlife Conservation International. Study funded by the European Community. | |
Cameroon | Lake Lobeke region | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1991 | Stromayer; K. and Ekobo; A. (1991b) Biological Survey of the Lake Lobeke Region; Southeastern Cameroon. Preliminary report to Wildlife Conservation International and the World Wildlife Fund. |
Cameroon | Lake Lobeke region | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1992 | Stromayer; K. and Ekobo; A. (1992) The distribution and number of forest-dwelling elephants in extreme south-eastern Cameroon. Pachyderm; 15:9-14. |
Cameroon | Takamanda NP | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2000 | Sunderland; C.H.T. (2000) Report of reconnaissance mission to the Takamanda Forest Reserve; South West Province; Cameroon. Unpublished; submitted by the Smithsonian Institution's MAn and Biosphere program to PROFA under ongoing colaboration. PROFA; Mamfe; September 2000. |
Cameroon | Takamanda NP | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2003 | Sunderland-Goves; J.; Sunderland; T.C.H.; Comiskey; J.A.; Ayeni; J.S.O. And Mdaihli; M.(2003) Takamanda Forest Reserve in Smithonian Institution reports. SI/MAB Biodiversity Program. |
Cameroon | Takamanda NP | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2002 | Sunderland-Groves; J. (2002) Report on the status and distribution of the Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) population of the Takamanda and Mone Forest Reserves and the Mbulu Forest; Southwest Province; Cameroon. A report to WCS Africa programm |
Cameroon | Takamanda Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2003 | Sunderland-Groves; J.; Maisels; F. and Ekinde; A. (2003) Surveys of the cross river gorilla and chimpanzee populations in Takamanda Forest Reserve; Cameroon. Smithsonian Institution MAB Series; 8:129-140. |
Cameroon | Kagwene Mountain | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2009 | Sunderland-Groves; J.K.; Ekinde; A. and Mboh; H. (2009) Nesting behaviour of Gorilla gorilla diehli at Kagwene Mountain; Cameroon: Implications for assessing group size and density. International Journal Primatology 30:253-266. |
Cameroon | Bechati/Fossimondi forest | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2004 | Sunderland-Groves; J.L. (2004) Preliminary report on gorilla presence in the Bechati/Fossimondi forest; Lebialem Division; Cameroon. Report WCS. |
Cameroon | Takamanda NP | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2008 | Sunderland-Groves; J.L. (2008) Population; distribution and conservation status of the Cross River Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) in Cameroon. PhD thesis; University of Sussex; England. |
Cameroon | La Belgique | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2013 | Tagg N; Willie J (2013) The influence of transect use by local people and reuse of transects for repeated surveys on nesting in western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and central chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodyte s) in southeast Cameroon. Int J Primatol 54:554�570. doi:10.1007/s10764-013-9681-0 |
Cameroon | La Belgique | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2011 | Tagg; N.; Petre; C.-A.; & Willie; J. (2011) Evaluating the effectiveness of a 10-year old great ape conservation project in Cameroon. Pan Africa News; 18(2): 20�23. |
Cameroon | Takamanda NP | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 1988 | Thomas; D. (1988) Status and conservation of Takamanda gorillas (Cameroon) Final report; WWF-1613.WWF-USA |
Cameroon | Takamanda NP | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 1988 | Thomas; W.D. (1988) Status and conservation of Takamanda Gorillas; Cameroon. Final report; WWF-1613. WWF-USA. In Proceedings on the International Workshop and conference on the conservation of the Cross River Gorillas; Calabar; Nigeria 2001. |
Cameroon | Rumpi Reserve; Nta-Ali Reserve | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 1995 | Usongo; L. (1995) Biological and soci-economic survey of Rumpi and Nta-Ali Reserves. Report to the Korup Project. |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 1997 | Usongo; L. (1997) Zoological inventory of Korup National Park; Cameroon. Report WWF; EU. |
Cameroon | Lobeke Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1998 | Usongo; L. (1998) Conservation status of primates in the proposed Lobeke Forest Reserve; south-east Cameroon. Primate Conservation; 18:66-68. |
Cameroon | Lobeke Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1995 | Usongo; L. and Fimbl; C. (1995) Preliminary survey of arboreal primates in Lobeke Forest Reserve; southeast Cameroon. African Primates; 1 (2); 46-48. |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2002 | Waltert; M; Lien; Faber; K. & Muhlenberg; M. (2002) Further declines of threatened primates in the Korup Project Area; south-west Cameroon. Oryx; 36(3) 257-265. |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 1999 | Waltert; M. (1999) Development of Biomonitoring in Concession Areas (MPL and CAFECO) in the Korup Project Area. October 1999. Report Korup National Park; GTZ. |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2000 | Waltert; M. (2000a) Biomonitoring in the Support Zone of Korup National Park; SW Cameroon. Results on primate populations and recommendations after the first phase April 1999 - May 2001. Report to Korup Project and GTZ |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2000 | Waltert; M. (2000b) Biomonitoring in the Support Zone of Korup National Park; SWCameroon_Sept2000. Report GTZ |
Cameroon | Korup NP | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2001 | Waltert; M. (2001) Results on primate populations and reccomandations after the first phase April 1999-May 2001. Report GTZ. |
Cameroon | Takamande-Mone Landscape | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2008 | Warren; Y. & Bila; S.E. (2008) Mbulu Survey. Unpublished report to the Wildlife Conservation Society � Takamanda Mone Landscape project; Limbe; Cameroon. |
Cameroon | Mone Forest Reserve | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2007 | Warren; Y. & Ekinde; A. (2007) Large mammal Recce Survey of the Mone Forest Reserve. Report to the Wildlife Conservation Society � Takamanda Mone Landscape Project; Limbe; Cameroon. |
Cameroon | Gorilla gorilla diehli; Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2008 | Warren; Y.; Stott; A.; Ekinde; A.E.; Khumbah; P. And Nicholas; A. (2008) Cross River Gorilla Inter-Population Nuclei distribution survey. Report to WCS and USFWS. Limbe; Cameroon. | |
Cameroon | Dja Faunal Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1995 | Williamson; E.A. and Usongo; L. (1995) I. Survey of primate populations and large mammal inventory, II. Survey of elephants; gorillas and chimpanzees. Reserve de Faune du Dja; Cameroun. Groupement Agreco CTFT. |
Cameroon | Dja Faunal Reserve | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1996 | Williamson; L. and Usongo; L. (1996) Survey of gorillas Gorilla gorilla and chimpanzees Pan troglodytes in the Reserve de Faune du Dja; Cameroun. African Primates; 2(2):67-72. |
Cameroon | La Belgique | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2013 | Willie; J.; Petre; C.-A.; Tagg; N. and Lens; L. (2013); Density of herbaceous plants and distribution of western gorillas in different habitat types in south-east Cameroon. African Journal of Ecology; 51: 111�121. doi: 10.1111/aje.12014 |
Cameroon | Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2008 | Wiseman; R.A. (2008) How does environment affect the nest site preferences of the Cross River gorilla in the Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary; Cameroon. MSc Thesis; Department of primatology; Roehampton University; England. |
Cameroon | Mengame Gorilla Sanctuary | Gorilla gorilla gorilla | 2006 | WWF (2006) Evaluation des potentialites fauniques du Sanctuaire � Gorilles de Mengame. Mars 2006. Report WWF. |
Cameroon | Mount Nlonako; Makombe and Ebo proposed protected areas | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2003 | WWF Cameroon coastal forest programme (2003) Large mammals survey in the Mt Nlonako; Makombe and Ebo proposed protected areas. Report WWF. |
Cameroon | Lobeke NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2019 | Yuh; Y. G.; Dongmo; Z. N.; N'Goran; P. K.; Ekodeck; H.; (...) & Elvis; T. (2019). Effects of Land cover change on Great Apes distribution at the Lobeke NP and its surrounding Forest Management Units; South-East Cameroon. A 13 year time series analysis. Scientific Reports; 9(1); 1-19. |
Cameroon | Dja Faunal Reserve-Periphery | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2003 | Zongang Ngongang; A.A. (2003) Quelques aspects de l'ecologie du gorille (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) dans la peripherie nord de la reserve de faune du Dja (Cas de la foret des villages Malen V; Doumo-Pierre et Minpala. Diploma study. Universite de Dschang; Faculte d'agronomie et de sciences agricoles. |
Cameroon | Ebo Forest | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2021 | Whytock; R. C.; Abwe; E. E.; Mfossa; D. M.; Ketchen; M. E.; Abwe; A. E.; Nguimdo; V. R.; ... & Morgan; B. J. (2021) Mammal distribution and trends in the threatened Ebo'intact forest landscape'; Cameroon. Global Ecology and Conservation; 31; e01833. |
Cameroon | Lebialem-Mone Forest Landscape | Gorilla gorilla diehli & Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2012 | ERUDEF (2012) Consolidating the Conservation of Cross River Gorillas (gorilla gorilla diehli) and Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzees (P t ellioti) in the Lebialem-Mone Forest Landscape; Western Cameroon. Final Report to People's Trust for Endangered Species; UK. |
Cameroon; Nigeria | Babanki-Finge Forest | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2013 | Doumbe; OA. (2013) Habitat Mapping of the Babanki-Finge Forest; and Survey on the Rarest Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti) in the Bamenda Highlands; North-West Cameroon. MRes Thesis: University of Roehampton; London; UK. |
Cameroon; Nigeria | Transnational | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2014 | Dunn; A.; Bergl; R.; Imong; I. et al. (2014). Revised Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Cross River Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) 2014�2019. IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group and Wildlife Conservation Society; New York. |
Cameroon; Nigeria | Transnational | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2011 | Morgan; B.; Adeleke; A.; Bassey; T.; Bergl; R.; Dunn; A.; Fotso; R.; Gadsby; E.; Gonder; K.; et al. (2011) Plan d'action regional pour la conservation du chimpanze' du Nigeria-Cameroon (Pan troglodytes ellioti). Groupe de specialistes des primates de la CSE/UICN et Zoological Society of San Diego; CA; USA. |
Cameroon; Nigeria | Transnational | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2011 | Morgan; B.; Adeleke; A.; Bassey; T.; Bergl; R.; Dunn; A.; Fotso; R.; Gadsby; E.; Gonder; K.; et al. (2011) Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti). IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group and Zoological Society of San Diego; CA; USA. |
Cameroon; Nigeria | Transnational | Gorilla gorilla diehli | 2007 | Oates; J.; Sunderland-Groves; J.; Bergl; R.; (�) and Williamson; L.. (2007) Regional Action Plan for the conservation of the cross river gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli). IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group and Conservation International; Arlington VA. |
Cameroon; Nigeria | Pan troglodytes ellioti | 2015 | Sesink Clee; P. R.; Abwe; E. E.; Ambahe; R. D.; Anthony; N. M.; Fotso; R.; Locatelli; S.; ... & Gonder; M. K. (2015) Chimpanzee population structure in Cameroon and Nigeria is associated with habitat variation that may be lost under climate change. BMC Evolutionary Biology; 15(1); 1-13. | |
CAR | Dzanga-Ndoki NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2001 | Blom; A.; Almasi; A.; Heitkoenig; I.; Kpanou; J. and Prins; H. (2001) A survey of the apes in the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park; Central African Republic: a comparison between the census and survey methods of estimating the gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) nest group density.African Journal of Ecology 39; 98-105. |
CAR | Ngotto forest | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1999 | Brugiere; D; Sakom; D & Sinassonasibe; J.P. (1999) Estimation des densites et analyse du comportement nidificateurs des gorilles et chimpanzes en foret de Ngotto. Rapport ECOFAC; Libreville Gabon. |
CAR | Ngotto forest | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2001 | Brugiere; D. and Sakom; D. (2001) Population density and nesting behaviour of lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in the Ngotto forest; Central African Republic. J. Zool. Lond. 255; 251-259. |
CAR | Mbaere-Bodingue NP | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2005 | Brugiere; D.; Sakom; D. and Gautier-Hion; A. (2005) The conservation significance of the proposed Mbaere-Bodingue national park; Central African Republic; with special emphasis on its primate community. Biodiversity and Conservation; 14:505-522. |
CAR | Dzanga-Sangha | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1986 | Carroll; R. (1986) Status of the lowland gorilla and other wildlife in the Dzanga-Sangha region of southwestern Central African Republic. Primate Conservation; 7:38-41. |
CAR | Dzanga-Sangha | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1988 | Carroll; R. (1988) Relative density; range extension; and conservation potential of the lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in the Dzanga-Sangha region of southwestern Cental African Republic. Mammalia; 52(3):309-323. |
CAR | Gorilla gorilla gorilla | 1989 | Fay; M. (1989) Partial completion of a census of the western lowland gorilla (Gorilla g. gorilla (Savage and Wyman)) in southwestern Central African Republic. Mammalia; 53(2):203-215. | |
CAR | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 1995 | Fay; M.; Caroll; R.; Peterhans; J. and Harris; D. (1995) Leopard attack on and consumption of gorillas in the Central African Republic. Journal of Human Evolution; 29:93-99. | |
CAR | Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii | 2006 | Greer; D. (2006) Rapport de Mission Effectuee dans le Massif Forestier de Bangassou; Sud-Est de la Republique Centrafricaine. Report WWF CAR CPO. | |
CAR | Ngotto forest | Gorilla gorilla gorilla; Pan troglodytes troglodytes | 2009 | Hicks; T.; Fouts; R. and Fouts; D. (2009) A survey of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in the selctively logged Ngotto forest; Central African Republic. Journal of applied animal welfare science; 12: 165-188. |

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Country | Year | Survey type | Ape species | Site | Owner | ID |
Benin | 2013 | Interview | Pan troglodytes verus | Benin (various sites) | Genevieve Campbell | 35 |
Burkina Faso | 2012 | Recce | Pan troglodytes verus | Pama NP- Arly NP -Comoe-Lebara -Nazinga forest | Laura Ginn | 36 |
Burundi | 2011 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii | Kibira NP | Dismas Hakizimana | 378 |
Burundi | 2007 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii | Bururi | INECM Burundi | 101 |
Burundi | 2009 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii | Vyanda | INECM Burundi | 103 |
Burundi | 2007 | Recce,Line transects | Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii | Kibira NP | WCS-Uganda | 102 |
Cameroon | 2006 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-023 | WCS | 470 |
Cameroon | 2000 | Point observation | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Makile Hills | WCS-Cameroon | 158 |
Cameroon | 2007 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Basho-Kekpane hills | WCS-Cameroon | 147 |
Cameroon | 2001 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Mblishe Forest | WCS-Cameroon | 164 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla diehliPan troglodytes ellioti | Eshobi | WCS-Cameroon | 152 |
Cameroon | 2018 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-064 | WWF-CARPO | 28 |
Cameroon | 1998 | Point observation,Line transects | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Obonyi | WCS-Cameroon | 185 |
Cameroon | 2003 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-013 | WCS | 467 |
Cameroon | 2003 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-021 | WCS | 469 |
Cameroon | 1998 | Line transects,Point observation | Pan troglodytes elliotiGorilla gorilla diehli | Takamanda NP | WCS-Cameroon | 174 |
Cameroon | 2005 | Recce,Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-009 | WCS | 461 |
Cameroon | 2004 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Fungom | WCS | 625 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Benakuma | Osiris Doumbe | 409 |
Cameroon | 2009 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Dja Bios. Reserve | Stephanie Latour | 420 |
Cameroon | 2005 | Recce,Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-008 | WCS | 460 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Campo Ma'an NP | WWF-Kudu Zombo Project | 150 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-063 | WWF-CARPO | 471 |
Cameroon | 2011 | Recce,point observation | Pan troglodytes elliotiGorilla gorilla diehli | Tofala (Lebialem-Highlands Landscape) | ERuDeF | 430 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Fungom | Osiris Doumbe | 421 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA09-002 | WWF-CARPO | 720 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla diehli | Mount Oko | WCS-Cameroon | 170 |
Cameroon | 2012 | Recce | Pan troglodytes elliotiGorilla gorilla diehli | Tofala (Lebialem-Highlands Landscape) | ERuDeF | 431 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla diehliPan troglodytes ellioti | Ako Forest | WCS-Cameroon | 144 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA009-025 | WWF-CARPO | 413 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Campo Ma'an NP | MPI-EVA | 412 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla diehli | Mbulu Hills | WCS-Cameroon | 166 |
Cameroon | 2007 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Bechati-Mone | WWF-CFP | 149 |
Cameroon | 2012 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Deng Deng NP and surroundings | WCS | 419 |
Cameroon | 2006 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Lobeke NP and its periphery | WWF-CARPO | 1 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Lobeke NP and its periphery | WWF-CARPO | 434 |
Cameroon | 2018 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Lobeke NP and its periphery | WWF-CARPO | 22 |
Cameroon | 2020 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA09-021 | WWF-Central Africa | 689 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | UFA10-034 | WWF-CARPO | 456 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | UFA09-024 | WWF-CARPO | 415 |
Cameroon | 2018 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-063 | WWF-CARPO | 27 |
Cameroon | 2006 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Mount Cameroon NP | WWF-CFP | 169 |
Cameroon | 2009 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Deng Deng NP and surroundings | WCS | 417 |
Cameroon | 2018 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-007 | WWF-CARPO | 23 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | UFA10-036 | WWF-CARPO | 458 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla diehliPan troglodytes ellioti | Bande | WCS-Cameroon | 145 |
Cameroon | 1998 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla diehli | Cross River area | WCS | 184 |
Cameroon | 2006 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Nguti Council Forest | WWF-CFP | 172 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-035 | WWF-CARPO | 457 |
Cameroon | 2004 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA09-021 | WWF-Kudu Zombo Project | 178 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla diehli | Nga Forest | WCS-Cameroon | 171 |
Cameroon | 2013 | Recce,point observation | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Bokwa (Lebialem-Highlands Landscape) | ERuDeF | 426 |
Cameroon | 2009 | Line transects,Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Mbam and Djerem NP and surroundings | WCS | 435 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Kom Wum | Osiris Doumbe | 422 |
Cameroon | 2007 | Line transects,Recce | Pan troglodytes elliotiGorilla gorilla diehli | Lebialem-Mone Forest Landscape | ERuDeF | 157 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Ebo proposed NP | Zoological Society of San Diego | 39 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Campo Ma'an NP | WWF-CARPO | 416 |
Cameroon | 1999 | Point observation | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Matene Forest | WCS-Cameroon | 161 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Nki NP | WWF-CARPO | 439 |
Cameroon | 2013 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla diehli | Takamanda NP | WCS | 440 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-028 | WWF-CARPO | 447 |
Cameroon | 2003 | Line transects,Recce | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Boumba-Bek NP | MIKE CITES | 148 |
Cameroon | 2011 | Recce,point observation | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Mak-Betchou (Lebialem-Highlands Landscape) | ERuDeF | 427 |
Cameroon | 2012 | Recce,point observation | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Bokwa (Lebialem-Highlands Landscape) | ERuDeF | 425 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-033 | WWF-CARPO | 455 |
Cameroon | 2006 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Korup NP | WWF-CFP | 155 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | UFA10-065 | WCS | 474 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-015 | WWF-CARPO | 441 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-030 | WWF-CARPO | 449 |
Cameroon | 2009 | Recce,Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Lobeke NP and its periphery | WWF-CARPO | 433 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla diehli | Etuku Forest | WCS-Cameroon | 154 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Mbembe | Osiris Doumbe | 436 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Boumba-Bek NP | WWF-CARPO | 410 |
Cameroon | 2001 | Point observation | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Matene Forest | WCS-Cameroon | 162 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla diehli | Eti-bogat | WCS-Cameroon | 153 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA09-002 | WWF-CARPO | 454 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Comle Ngoyla Forest | WWF-CARPO | 452 |
Cameroon | 2016 | Recce,Line transects | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Mbam and Djerem NP and surroundings | Serge Kamgang | 2 |
Cameroon | 2012 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Boumba-Bek NP | MIKE CITES | 186 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-029 | WWF-CARPO | 448 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Campo Ma'an NP | WWF-CARPO | 411 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA09-002 | WWF-CARPO | 453 |
Cameroon | 2020 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Campo Ma'an NP | WWF-Central Africa | 687 |
Cameroon | 2006 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Mbam and Djerem NP and surroundings | WCS-Cameroon | 163 |
Cameroon | 2005 | Recce,Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-010 | WCS | 463 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Maloni Forest | WCS-Cameroon | 160 |
Cameroon | 2013 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Babangi-Finge Forest | Osiris Doumbe | 408 |
Cameroon | 2007 | Recce,Point observation | Gorilla gorilla diehliPan troglodytes ellioti | Takamanda NP | WCS-Cameroon | 177 |
Cameroon | 2007 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | UFA10047a | FIPCAM SA | 182 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla diehli | Ntakwo | WCS-Cameroon | 173 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | La Belgique | Nikki Tagg | 424 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Ebo proposed NP | Zoological Society of San Diego | 151 |
Cameroon | 2012 | Recce,point observation | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Mak-Betchou (Lebialem-Highlands Landscape) | ERuDeF | 428 |
Cameroon | 2012 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-065 | WCS | 476 |
Cameroon | 2018 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA 10-009 & 10-010 | WWF-CARPO | 29 |
Cameroon | 1998 | Point observation,Line transects | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Makile Hills | WCS-Cameroon | 159 |
Cameroon | 2000 | Line transects,Point observation | Pan troglodytes elliotiGorilla gorilla diehli | Takamanda NP | WCS-Cameroon | 175 |
Cameroon | 2004 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | UFA10-064 | WCS | 472 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-011 | WWF-CARPO | 464 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Deng Deng NP and surroundings | WCS | 418 |
Cameroon | 2013 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Mount Cameroon NP | WWF-CFP | 437 |
Cameroon | 2001 | Recce,Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Lobeke NP and its periphery | WWF-CCPO | 156 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-067 | WWF-CARPO | 451 |
Cameroon | 2011 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Ngoyla-Mintom Forest | WWF-CARPO | 438 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-023 | WWF-CARPO | 445 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | UFA10-027 | WWF-CARPO | 446 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-020 | WWF-CARPO | 442 |
Cameroon | 2013 | Recce,point observation | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Mak-Betchou (Lebialem-Highlands Landscape) | ERuDeF | 429 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-064 | WWF-CARPO | 473 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA09-021 | WWF-Kudu Zombo Project | 719 |
Cameroon | 2020 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA09-024 | WWF-Central Africa | 690 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-022 | WWF-CARPO | 444 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA00-001-002 | WWF-CARPO | 180 |
Cameroon | 2010 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-065 | WCS | 475 |
Cameroon | 2020 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | UFA09-025 | WWF-Central Africa | 688 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-007 | WWF-CARPO | 459 |
Cameroon | 2018 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-012 | WWF-CARPO | 25 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-009 | WWF-CARPO | 462 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-021 | WWF-CARPO | 443 |
Cameroon | 2007 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Mone FR | WCS-Cameroon | 168 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | UFA09-021 | WWF-CARPO | 414 |
Cameroon | 2001 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Mbulu Hills | WCS-Cameroon | 165 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-013 | WWF-CARPO | 468 |
Cameroon | 2005 | Recce,Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-012 | WCS | 465 |
Cameroon | 2008 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA09-024 | WWF-Cameroon | 181 |
Cameroon | 2006 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Banyang-Mbo Sanctuary | WCS-Cameroon | 183 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-012 | WWF-CARPO | 466 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla diehli | Takamanda NP | WCS | 626 |
Cameroon | 2001 | Line transects,Point observation | Gorilla gorilla diehliPan troglodytes ellioti | Basho Hills | Jacqueline Sunderland-Groves | 146 |
Cameroon | 2014 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | La Belgique | Nikki Tagg | 423 |
Cameroon | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-032 | WWF-CARPO | 450 |
Cameroon | 2018 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-013 | WWF-CARPO | 26 |
Cameroon | 2013 | Recce,point observation | Pan troglodytes elliotiGorilla gorilla diehli | Tofala (Lebialem-Highlands Landscape) | ERuDeF | 432 |
Cameroon | 2019 | Recce | Pan troglodytes ellioti | Ebo area (near Dibombari) | Osiris Doumbe | 38 |
Cameroon | 2001 | Line transects,Point observation | Pan troglodytes elliotiGorilla gorilla diehli | Takamanda NP | WCS-Cameroon | 176 |
Cameroon | 2018 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | UFA10-011 | WWF-CARPO | 24 |
Cameroon | 2006 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Mengame | WWF-CCPO | 167 |
Central African Republic | 2020 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorilla | DSPA (Plateau Bilolo STBC logging concession) | WWF-Central Africa | 682 |
Central African Republic | 2001 | Line transects,Random | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Ngotto Forest | Thurston Cleve Hicks | 106 |
Central African Republic | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorilla | DSPA (Plateau Bilolo STBC logging concession) | WWF-CARPO | 382 |
Central African Republic | 2003 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | DSPA (Dzanga NP) | MIKE CITES | 104 |
Central African Republic | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (SINFOCAM_Logging_Concessions_1&2) | WWF-CARPO | 389 |
Central African Republic | 2015 | Line transects,Recce,SMART | Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii | Chinko Nature Reserve | African Parks | 619 |
Central African Republic | 2018 | Line transects,Recce,Ad libidum,Camera trap,Recce,Aerial transect | Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii | Chinko Nature Reserve | African Parks | 620 |
Central African Republic | 2020 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (Zone de Chasse Communautaire) | WWF-Central Africa | 658 |
Central African Republic | 2011 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (Dzanga NP, Ndoki NP,ZCC Kambi, Libwe and Bilolo) | WWF-Bayanga,WWF-CARPO | 386 |
Central African Republic | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (Ndoki NP) | WWF-CARPO | 388 |
Central African Republic | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (Zone de Chasse Communautaire) | WWF-CARPO | 384 |
Central African Republic | 2015 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | DSPA (Yobe-Lidjombo SINFOCAM Logging Concession) | WWF-CARPO | 383 |
Central African Republic | 2004 | Recce,Point transects,NA | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (Bai Hokou) | MPI-EVA | 105 |
Central African Republic | 2020 | Line transects | NA | DSPA (Dzangha NP) | WWF-Central Africa | 678 |
Central African Republic | 2020 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (STBC Logging concession) | WWF-Central Africa | 679 |
Central African Republic | 2007 | Recce,point observation | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Mongambe Research station (Ndoki NP) | WWF-Bayanga,WWF-CARPO | 387 |
Central African Republic | 2015 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | DSPA (Dzangha NP) | WWF-CARPO | 385 |
Central African Republic | 2020 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (Libwe STBC Logging Concession) | WWF-Central Africa | 680 |
Central African Republic | 2016 | Line transects | DSPA (STBC Logging Concession) | WWF-CARPO | 390 | |
Central African Republic | 2020 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (Dzanga NP, Ndoki NP,ZCC Kambi, Libwe and Bilolo) | WWF-Central Africa | 659 |
Central African Republic | 2020 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (Ndoki NP) | WWF-Central Africa | 681 |
Central African Republic | 2015 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (Libwe STBC Logging Concession) | WWF-CARPO | 381 |
Central African Republic | 2016 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (STBC Logging concession) | WWF-CARPO | 380 |
Central African Republic | 2020 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | DSPA (Yobe-Lidjombo SINFOCAM Logging Concession) | WWF-Central Africa | 657 |
Congo | 2009 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Dimonika Bios. Reserve | JGI | 485 |
Congo | 2012 | Line transects,Recce | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Batanga | WCS | 480 |
Congo | 2001 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Goualougo | David Morgan,Crickette Sanz | 188 |
Congo | 2002 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Goualougo | David Morgan,Crickette Sanz | 189 |
Congo | 2013 | Line transects,Recce | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Conkouati-Douli NP | WCS | 484 |
Congo | 2016 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Odzala-Kokoua NP | African Parks | 40 |
Congo | 2008 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Goualougo | David Morgan,Crickette Sanz | 195 |
Congo | 2017 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Ogooue Leketi | WCS | 42 |
Congo | 2005 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla gorilla | Mount Fouari | WCS | 492 |
Congo | 2005 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Odzala-Kokoua NP | WCS | 497 |
Congo | 2013 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Messok Dja Forest | WWF-DRC | 491 |
Congo | 2010 | Line transects,Recce | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Conkouati-Douli NP | WCS | 483 |
Congo | 2006 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Lossi-Kelle | WWF-DRC | 489 |
Congo | 2010 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Nouabale Ndoki NP | WCS | 494 |
Congo | 2008 | Recce | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Ogooue Leketi | WCS | 500 |
Congo | 2019 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Odzala-Kokoua NP | African Parks | 41 |
Congo | 2004 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Goualougo | David Morgan,Crickette Sanz | 191 |
Congo | 2010 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Northern Congo | WCS | 496 |
Congo | 2001 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Goualougo | David Morgan,Crickette Sanz | 187 |
Congo | 2014 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Ngombe-Pikounda Landscape | WCS | 4 |
Congo | 2006 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Ndoki-Likouala Landscape | WCS-GCP | 199 |
Congo | 2010 | Line transects,Recce | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Ogooue Leketi | WCS | 501 |
Congo | 2012 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Odzala-Kokoua NP | WCS | 499 |
Congo | 2016 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Tala-Tala (ETIC Congo) | WWF-Central Africa | 30 |
Congo | 2012 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Bambama | WCS | 477 |
Congo | 2008 | Recce | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Impfondo Bouanela | WCS | 486 |
Congo | 2003 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Goualougo | David Morgan,Crickette Sanz | 190 |
Congo | 2005 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Conkouati-Douli NP | WCS | 481 |
Congo | 2010 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Goualougo | David Morgan,Crickette Sanz | 197 |
Congo | 2007 | Line transects,Recce | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Batanga | WCS | 479 |
Congo | 2014 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Djoua-Ivindo | WWF-CARPO | 504 |
Congo | 2006 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Ngombe | WCS-GCP | 200 |
Congo | 2012 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Lebayi | WCS | 721 |
Congo | 2009 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Tanga River | WCS | 502 |
Congo | 2007 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Goualougo | David Morgan,Crickette Sanz | 194 |
Congo | 2006 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Ngombe-Pikounda Landscape | WCS | 493 |
Congo | 2012 | Line transects | Pan troglodytes troglodytesGorilla gorilla gorilla | Zanaga | WCS | 506 |
Congo | 2011 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Bailly and Lac Tele | WCS | 487 |
Congo | 2019 | Line transects | Gorilla gorilla gorillaPan troglodytes troglodytes | Ntokou-Pikounda NP | WWF-Central Africa | 672 |

Camera trap data
Camera trap surveys are increasingly used in monitoring programs. In response to this development, it is now possible to store camera trap data in the IUCN SSC A.P.E.S. Database. It is possible to store both image and video material.
Already processed image material including the results in tabular form can be stored in the A.P.E.S. Database as well as data that has not yet been processed.
Optionally, the material can be processed by the database team using the Zamba-cloud scripts to extract the species recorded on the material and saved alongside the material in tabular form. The results are also sent to the uploader.
The data can be sent to us in as a hard drive. We also working on solutions for an easy upload option.

How can you contribute to the A.P.E.S Database?
How to share your field survey data with the APES database?
If you have recent or old ape survey data that you would like to archive in the A.P.E.S Database, please get in touch with the data manager at apes@iucnapesportal.org. He will be happy to receive your data.
The A.P.E.S Database is a valuable resource for the ape community, informing ape policy and supporting research and conservation initiatives. The A.P.E.S Database relies on the contribution of data from all members of the ape community. Therefore, the sharing of data by collectors is crucial for the continuation of the project. In strict respect of the A.P.E.S. data-use policy, archived data can be used by researchers and conservation practitioners for various purposes.
How to obtain data from the A.P.E.S. database?
Every person can obtain information from the A.P.E.S. database.
However, the survey data in A.P.E.S. database are not directly accessible to the public. All archived data remains the property of their owners and their permission must be required before their data can be shared with any third parties.
The main goal of the A.P.E.S. project is to facilitate information sharing among conservationists, field practitioners, scientists, and other stakeholders. Reusing data from the A.P.E.S. database will contribute to the advancement of ape research and conservation efforts.
If you are interested in obtaining any type of data from the A.P.E.S. database, such as field survey data, reports/publications, or spatial layers, please follow the steps below:
1. Fill out the 'A.P.E.S. Data request form' or send a request for survey data to the A.P.E.S. data manager (apes@iucnapesportal.org).
Please specify the datasets you are interested in.
2. Provide the name of the person, organization, or institution making the data request.
3. Include a brief description of your project, including its objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.
4. The data manager will contact the owner(s) of the requested data to seek permission for sharing. Please be patient, as this process may take several days or weeks to receive feedback from the data owners.
Citing the A.P.E.S database:
If you have used any information from the A.P.E.S database, please always use the citation below to acknowledge the data source. You can also support the A.P.E.S project by creating links to this portal through your websites.
Recommended citation:
Heinicke, S., Mundry, R., Boesch, C., Amarasekaran, B., Barrie, A., Brncic, T., ... & Kühl, H. S. (2019). Advancing conservation planning for western chimpanzees using IUCN SSC APES - the case of a taxon-specific database. Environmental Research Letters, 14(6), 064001. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajp.23213
For general inquiries about the IUCN SSC A.P.E.S. Database, please contact the data manager: apes@iucnapesportal.org

To ensure the integrity of the A.P.E.S. database, it is essential that all policies regarding the contribution and distribution of ape survey data are completely transparent to all involved parties. The A.P.E.S. Data Access and Release Policy was formulated to regulate all legal and technical details of data contribution and exchange. It consists of four documents which were modeled after the African Elephant Database:
Database Access and Release Policy
This document summarizes and defines the general terms and policies of the database. Download PDF
A.P.E.S. Database Deposit Form
This form is to be completed by any party contributing data to the A.P.E.S. database. This form solicits contact information, information about the data set, and specifies any restrictions on access to these data from third parties. Download PDF (English) / Download PDF (French)
A.P.E.S. Database Data Request Document
Any party wishing to access original data sets in the A.P.E.S. database, must complete this form and also submit a formal research proposal. Each request will be considered by the Data Review Working Group of the A.P.E.S. database. Download PDF
A.P.E.S. Database Data Users Agreement
This agreement specifies the terms and stipulations of approved data access, relevant only to cases which have been reviewed by the Data Review Working Group. Download PDF
A.P.E.S. Data Template
In addition, this is the standardized A.P.E.S. data template that is used to store all survey data submitted to the A.P.E.S. Database. We do not expect data owners/contributors to arrange their data in this template before submission because of time limitations. Data owners can submit their data in whatever format they are (e.g., tabular, text, shapefile) and the A.P.E.S. Database Team will arrange them according to the A.P.E.S. Template:
Our hope is that this policy makes the A.P.E.S. project as transparent as possible, thereby encouraging data owners to contribute survey data sets to this database. It is important to emphasize that the data contributor establishes the limits for access to their data set. Some individuals may wish to make data freely available to any request that has been approved by the Data Review Working Group, whereas others may wish to limit data use to the official reports generated by A.P.E.S.