The eastern chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) is classified as ‘Endangered’ and of global conservation concern. Numbers are declining because of hunting for bushmeat, killing of animals to capture infants for the pet trade, disease, loss of habitat to agriculture and mining, and fragmentation of habitat leading to the isolation of small populations which are likely to become genetically unviable in the long term. This species occurs at a low density wherever it occurs (less than 1/km² of forest on average across much of their range) and has a relatively slow reproductive rate, with one infant born every 4–5 years. Consequently, they need large areas of habitat to maintain viable populations, and take a long time to recover from any reduction in population from disease or hunting.
Citation: A.J. Plumptre, R. Rose, G. Nangendo, E.A. Williamson, K. Didier, J. Hart, F. Mulindahabi, C. Hicks, B. Griffin, H. Ogawa, S. Nixon, L. Pintea, A. Vosper, M. McLennan, F. Amsini, A. McNeilage, J.R. Makana, M. Kanamori, A. Hernandez, A. Piel, F. Stewart, J. Moore, K. Zamma, M. Nakamura, S. Kamenya, G. Idani, T. Sakamaki, M. Yoshikawa, D. Greer, S. Tranquilli, R. Beyers, C. Hashimoto, T. Furuichi and E. Bennett